Studies show that drug tests are not always accurate; they can be wrong between 5-15% of the time. Failing a pre-employment drug test even though you are clean could be the difference in whether you get the job. Failing drug tests doesn’t have to be the final word, though!
In this article, we will cover the top 5 facts and myths surrounding a failed drug test so that you can understand what your results really mean and how to handle them. Let’s get started!
- The Poppy Seed Bagel
This is a longstanding myth that just so happens to be true! Just a tablespoon of poppy seeds, such as that on a bagel or muffin, can derail your drug test for up to 60 hours. This is because poppy seeds are derived from the opium poppy.
This type of flower is used to make drugs such as Opium, Heroin, and pharmaceutical pain killers. While almost 90% of the Opiate residue is removed from the seeds during processing, there is still enough that a drug test could be affected.
- Cold Medicine
Colds and influenza often require the use of legal over the counter medication to treat and relieve the symptoms of the illness. The trouble is, cold medicine can trigger a false positive on a drug test. The results come back, making it look as though the test recipient has tested positive for amphetamines.
This can be especially troubling in certain states like Louisiana. This location has a high rate of amphetamine use, and it is one of the highest-ranked states for influenza in the country. The combination is an issue that people should be aware of if a failed drug test is received.
- Second-Hand Smoke
While second-hand smoke is a serious issue, especially regarding Tobacco, we are here to bust a major myth…You cannot fail a drug test from second-hand smoke! Studies have proven that the passive inhalation of Cannabis smoke does not affect a drug test outcome.
- Drinking Water
There is a fact and a myth here. Drinking water does, in fact, dilute the urine and make it harder to get an accurate reading on a drug test. With that being said, most testers can tell if urine has been diluted.
Urine contains a waste product called Creatinine. If the urine has been diluted, a tester can easily run tests that indicate the Creatinine levels are out of normal range. Additionally, diluted urine is much lighter than normal urine.
- CBD Use
While CBD is legal in some capacity in all 50 states, it is possible that you could receive a false positive for THC if you are using products that contain CBD. This is because products that contain CBD are either Broad-Spectrum or Full-Spectrum. This means that some of the CBD containing products can have trace amounts of THC in them.
What to Know About Failing Drug Tests
Failing drug tests is a stressful situation; however, as we have shown, things are not always what they seem. It is important to be aware that there are false positives, and it is equally important to know the truth about some of the beat the test myths out there!
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