These days, there are wide varieties of residential flooring materials available e.g. bamboo, laminate, vinyl, tile, stone, wood, and cork, however, carpeting still remains a very popular option.
One most important reason why people still prefer carpeting is, besides offering warmth and softness, the carpet needs comparatively less maintenance in comparison to maintaining a hard-surface floor. All that you must do is frequent vacuuming and sometimes professional cleaning.
You may select from the website where you can find a list of few very good professional carpet cleaners available in Perth.
However, despite all your best efforts, your carpet may become a victim of splashes, spills, messy accidents, etc. So, you too must know how any carpet professionals can resolve all these problems.
So, we will share with you a few important tips for cleaning your carpets.
Follow your vacuuming routine
You must buy a good quality vacuum cleaner and must maintain a regular schedule of cleaning your carpet to keep it free from dust and allergens.
Vacuum multiple times
Vacuuming just once may not be good enough and hence you must do it multiple times in the same area.
Avoid rubbing on the stains
Instead of rubbing/scrubbing on the stains, you must blot the stains after applying a little pressure to soak up any spilled material.
Use shaving cream for removing tough stains
Apply sufficient shaving cream on your stained area and then leave it for half an hour to an hour. When it gets dried up, then blot it and remove the stain.
Use vinegar and club soda for stains
You can do the same trick with vinegar and club soda too.
Use a freezing technique
For chewing gum, try to use ice cubes and freeze it for 30 seconds. You can remove the gums once it gets frozen.
For greasy stains use dishwasher detergent
Often it is tough to remove any greasy stains. You may spray a mixture of dishwashing detergent and water by mixing 2 to 3 drops of detergent in one cup of water.
To remove rigid wax try the heating process
For removing a rigid wax, use a hot iron press and apply it over the affected areas of a carpet.
For blood stains use hydrogen peroxide
If there are any blood stains on your carpet, then you can use hydrogen peroxide to completely remove the stain.
Clean organically any pet accidents
If you have got pets at home then often there can be an accident on your carpet. You can use organic cleaners like Eco-88 or ZorbX, instead of caustic chemicals.
Besides all the above, you must maintain the deep cleaning of your carpet by using your vacuum cleaner regularly. For each of the tricks mentioned here, would need you to put a little more of your personal endeavor and also your time.
If you cannot afford to do then you may contact any good professional carpet cleaning Perth company that you can get from the website of FlooringDomain.