There are a bunch of laws laid down by the Canadian government to safeguard the interest of workers in all the sectors. And, it’s the duty of a civil lawyer to inform you about those rights if you’re planning to file a lawsuit due discrimination in your work place. The most common cases where the attorney will accept the lawsuit in the court include the following offenses.
- If an employee is overburdened with work beyond the working hours without being given a proper compensation for a double shift.
- If the employee doesn’t wish to work beyond the working hours, but is forced to do so due to the threat of getting fired.
- If the employee is fired without a prior notice.
- If the employee is denied an equal opportunity at a promotion due to gender bias or ethnicity.
- If the employee is not provided with paid sick leaves.
- If the employee is denied reimbursement for medical expenditure.
These are a few rights that, if denied, makes an employee eligible to file a strong civil lawsuit against the owners. However, filing a lawsuit is one thing, but winning it is an entirely different thing. You need a very experienced lawyer in order to prove these allegations since they are very serious charges and any firm would want to waive them off by hook or crook. Which is why it’s best to follow the lawyers at firms like Liebman Legal since they are well aware of the Liebman Legal employment law and how employers twist those laws to come out clean in front of the attorneys.
So, the first few facts that you should know about Leibman Civil Lawyers are that:
- They are highly trained; hence, it’s not possible to twist the law when they’re fighting the case on your behalf.
- They believe in getting the company to make an out-of-court settlement for your convenience. After all, who would want to directly file a case that might take a very long time to be settled in the court?
Moving on, there are some reasons that make the Liebman firm just as good as their lawyers are. A list of those reasons are:
- They have a transparent fee policy. They will inform you about all the charges that you might incur if the case gets prolonged beyond the expected time.
- They offer their services at very reasonable rates.
On a closing note, Liebman lawyers are completely trustworthy since the company follows a stringent hiring procedure to allow a lawyer to work as a part of their team.