Car accidents cause injuries to a person. Sometimes, we just get up and feel that nothing is wrong. After a few days, the injured person may start to experience pain or blurriness. It may even occur after several months. That’s why, it is suggested to contact a medical practitioner after the accident. Most people ask whether they should meet a doctor even if they have no signs of injury. According to a Fort Wayne auto accident attorney, the answer is yes. You must always seek medical attention if you feel just fine after the accident.
Car accident claim
After a few days, if you start to receive some symptoms and figure out that the car accident has caused you internal injuries, you might not receive the compensation. This is because, most insurance companies will go through your claim and consider the doctor’s notes after the accident. If you attach the report of the doctor dated several days after the accident, the insurance company will refuse the claim stating that the injuries or medical condition are not because of the accident. That’s why, you must contact a medical service provider immediately after the accident.
Severity of injuries
If there were no signs at the time of the accident and you just got up and went, you might notice these signs after a few weeks such as pain in your neck, back or head. If you have been injured in your stomach or spine, you might receive internal injuries and the symptoms start to surface after a week or so. All of these medical conditions take several weeks to recover and if you have not contacted a medical practitioner well on time, they can be life-threatening. That’s why, you must get in touch with a doctor so that he can figure out the existence of any condition that may arise later on.
Getting the right treatment at the right time can save you from worsening your medical condition. You have to be more cautious about it. Moreover, if you file a claim after a few months, the insurance company will ask for the medical report of the date on which the accident occurred. The documents should show that injuries and the accident are correlated. If you fail to do so, you will not be able to get any compensation.
A car accident can affect your personal, professional life and overall well-being to a great extent.