QR Codes – How Are They Made and Why?

What are QR codes? These are the trademarks for a kind of “barcode matrix” (2-dimensional barcode) which were first planned in 1994 for the Japanese automotive industry. Barcodes are optical labels that are machine-readable containing data about the item it is attached to. When used, QR codes have data for an identifier, locator, or tracker pointing to an application or website. A QR code has 4 standardized coding modes to store data competently; extensions may also be used.

QR codes generated

Softpedia.com states that a QR generator for code is software supplying data as a QR code (example a website address). Example of this can be done with a QR creator goQR.me: merely generate a QR code by entering data and then downloading it as high resolved PNG or vector graphic (SVG, EPS).

QR Codes

These QR codes are chiefly used in promotions and advertisement as shortcuts to coupon redemptions or web sites. In Japan most mobile phones– including the most basic phones – have QR code readers built-in as well as access to the mobile web. Generally, Japanese tend to not type in domain names (probably a leftover from another generation’s being uncomfortable with the roman alphabet).

QR code in marketing

Marketing with QR code is literally changing the face of product promotions. Additionally, to their business or slogan, most companies are choosing to include QR codes on the custom promotional gifts they buy, thus turning the item into an interactive product.

QR code scanners

These codes are intended to be scanned and read by QR scanners and not the scanners that are standard for bar codes.  These QR codes need a code scanner so that users can see the entire potential or in some cases, users are able to see the data embedded within them. This means that users can be directed to the specific data embedded by pointing a mobile tablet on a phone.

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