Several Instances where you need a Worker’s Compensation Attorney

In the event of your injuries have not been clearly work-related, need extensive medical treatment, entail long durations off work, or for that matter result in permanent disability, it would be in your best interest to call a workers compensation attorney phoenix.

When would you really need an attorney?

It would be pertinent to mention here that any time you were in a dispute with the insurance company; it would be in your best interest to consider hiring an attorney to represent you. It would be in your best interest to gather adequate evidence for challenging the position of the insurance company that may be inclusive of taking depositions, hiring expert witnesses, or need for independent medical examination. All these would need adequate legal skill and knowledge.

Given below are a few situations when you should necessarily hire the services of a lawyer.


  • Insurance company denies your claim


There may be a plethora of reasons why the insurance company would deny your claim. You could appeal against the denial through the worker’s compensation system. While the appeals would process varies from one state to another. It would mostly need you to file formal paperwork, present your case form hearing, and using the legal tools for gathering adequate evidence.


  • Disputed permanent disability rank


A majority of worker’s compensation settlements and awards would be for permanent disability benefits. It would be pertinent to mention here that the calculations would be based on your permanent disability ratings. In the event of the insurance company does not agree to the rating assigned by the treating doctor, you would need to attend an independent medical examination with the doctor of its choice. Chances would be higher the IME doctor would assign relatively lower disability ratings. Therefore, you would need a lawyer to convince the judge and get you a fair settlement.


  • Having a pre-existing condition


In the event of you having a preexisting injury or condition entailing the same body part that you have injured at work, you should rest assured about facing an uphill battle with the insurance company. They would blame your injury on the previous condition instead of your work activities.

In the event of you having worker’s compensation hearing, it would imply that the insurance company has refused to settle the compensation claim or have been making lowball settlement offers. The worker’s compensation attorney would help in proving your case at the hearing. As it would be a mini-trial, you need an attorney to represent your case.


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